Duo Just-cut with a 3D chip breaker insert gives a tool life of 4X times

The Company: KUN Aerospace is a private limited company, certified AS910 & ISO901, offering  services to Aerospace, Medical, Oil & Gas and Energy. KUN Aerospace has a great degree of  experiencing solving complex engineering problems and offers a wide range of solutions at various  stages of product development processes and beyond. We are well-versed as a solutions provider of  Contract Manufactured Assemblies & Engineering services. Each of these solutions are strategically  aligned to each other to provide enduring value for all our Customers around the globe. 

Challenge: The Ti-6Al-4V alloy is an α–β titanium alloy that exhibits high strength, low density,  and good corrosion resistance. It is one of the most commonly used titanium alloys. The joining of  C/C and TiB whisker (TiBw) reinforced Ti-6Al-4V composite by brazing is more effective by using a  brazing material consisting of Cu–Ni alloy and TiB2 than one consisting of only the Cu–Ni alloy. The  shear joint strength is 56% higher for the former. The TiB2 particles in the brazing material react with  Ti, which diffuses from the TiBw/Ti-6Al-4V composite, resulting in the formation of TiB whiskers in the  brazing layer. The in situ synthesized TiB whiskers are uniformly distributed in the joint and provide  reinforcement and decreased residual thermal stress. 

Due to the machining complexity the current insert gave a tool life of 400 components which resulted  in lot of down time and a higher tool consumption. 

Solution: Secure insert clamping and strong insert design of Duo Just-Cut prevents insert breakage  when machining at high rates. Tungaloy(JXPG20R20F-15SH725) 

Double-ended parting inserts has a very sharp cutting edge with 0.8mm width insert with pressed-in  3D Chip breakers Provides reduced material waste and low cutting forces during parting-off  operations – Robust insert design withstands repeating bar feeder pressures, allowing the toolholder  to be used for workpiece positioning. 

Result: The total tool life has increased by 4x and thus resulting in reduction of tools per annum. The  total cost saving per annum is 4.00L approx.

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